The 4 focus areas of Movement Health
Movement Health is a co-creation platform that seeks to integrate all sectors of society, helping them to collaborate and implement innovative solutions that generate significant change and promote healthier communities.
To achieve our 2030 vision and be leaders in health innovation worldwide, accelerating equitable access to impactful solutions, we focus on 4 main areas that allow us to drive innovation and evolve health systems:
Access and continuity of care
Medical care must be continuous, from prevention to treatment, from the disease to the impact on quality of life and social progress. Fragmented health ecosystems with significant access barriers are a major systemic challenge to improve health and well-being.
Latin America has seen significant progress in formal access to medical care. However, inequalities prevail due to geographic and socioeconomic barriers, in addition to the silo system. Policies, programs and services can be improved by gaining a better understanding of local communities, by reinforcing prevention, and by redesigning care around the patient.
Topics of interest to us in this focus area include patient experience, care and service models, interoperability, health care workforce capabilities, distribution of services and geographies, logistics for the health sector, as well as knowledge, standards and protocols in health.
Data science and digital solutions
A holistic approach to medical care requires real-time access and integration of multiple data sources throughout the patient journey. Smart data integration, advanced analytics and automation have the potential to break down barriers, multiply and increase the capabilities of health systems.
Innovation in biosciences
New biotechnology platforms such as genome sequencing, have shown the potential to have an impact on society. Scaling them to ensure equitable and cost-effective access remains a major systemic barrier in global health systems.
Inclusive partnership and business models
Misaligned incentives between patients, health care providers, and systems are inherently complex, unsustainable, and non-inclusive. New solutions that reduce waste, share risk, and align incentives can effectively redistribute resources and shift value and power relationships.